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Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001:2008

The organization of quality management system aims to improve business competitiveness

Any Quality System effectively targets the administrative organization of the firm that leads to continuous improvement of quality of services and products with the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction. The Quality Management consists of planned and systematic procedures that describe the company's activities, which are implemented under a quality system and documented in order to prove that the company meets its quality requirements. The quality certificate ISO 9001 aims to ensure that all requirements relating to continuous improvement of company's products quality.


The system H.A.C.C.P. (Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points) is a specialized control system for food and for hygiene and safety. The development of a HACCP system can be done either in accordance with the standards of the ISO (ISO 22000), or the requirements of international CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.

The system H.A.C.C.P., based on the requirements of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, it is applied in the production of a particular food and covers all the stages of production, from receipt of materials to end-use products by consumers.

H.A.C.C.P. principles are:

  • Identyfying any risks to food safety, which must be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels, in order to produce safe food.
  • Identify critical control points at the step at which control is essential to prevent or eliminate a risk to food safety or to reduce it, making it possible to achieve the objective of safe food production.
  • Establish critical limits at critical control points which separate acceptability from unacceptability as the prevention, elimination or reduction of the risks identified.
  • Establish and implement effective monitoring procedures at critical control points.
  • Establishing corrective actions when monitoring indicates that a critical control point is out of control.
  • Determine the verification procedures for the effective functioning of the measures.
  • Records to ensure the effective implementation of measures and make possible official controls.

ISO 22000

ISO 22000:2005 is intended to ensure effective control of food providing more extensive implementation of HACCP approach to system and not to the product. It ensures a single global approach to food safety, replacing all existing individual national food safety standards. It applies to everyone involved in the supply chain of food to the final consumer. Furthermore it can be applied individually or in combination with other ISO model systems.

Companies implementing ISO 22000:2005:

  • Primary production
  • Companies and food manufacturing (secondary production)
  • Foodservice companies
  • Transport companies / food storage
  • Companies marketing / distribution of food
  • Food Equipment Manufacturers
  • Companies species / food packaging materials
  • Companies disinfection / cleaning / pest control
  • Producers of food additives
  • Companies producing pesticides / fertilizers

The ISO 22000 offers a broader application of HACCP approach to system and not the product, ensuring a uniform global approach to food safety, replacing all existing individual national food safety standards eg ELOT 1416, BRC, IFS, etc. It enhances the upgrade customer satisfaction, promoting effective communication between all stakeholders in the food supply chain. At the same time, offers a full line with the requirements of Greek law and with ISO 9001:2000. The ISO 22000 can be applied alone or in combination with other standards of the ISO family, eg ISO 14001: Environmental Management System. companies producing pesticides / fertilizers.

ISO 14001

O agent environment is an increasingly important part of our everyday life and this is evidenced by the pressures on companies or entities of international scope or the law of environmental protection. So the Environmental Management Systems offer companies a new and powerful competitive advantage, environmental awareness. In this way, all polluting enterprises are required to demonstrate their environmental consciousness, which applies to all production processes, for acquiring and certifying an Environmental Management System.


The Health Systems Management and Security aimed at all types of businesses and are designed to initially identify the risks that threaten the Health and Safety at work, and assessing the degree of risk and a second phase aimed at developing a plan prevent and reduce such risks. The implementation of this project is directly related to the continuous training of personnel to become aware of a Health and Safety and also defines the responsibilities and duties for each job. Systems Health and Safety Management can operate independently or as part of an integrated management system according to ELOT 1801 and is a process that continually evaluated and developed to improve the business.


Standards and EUREPGAP AGRO applied in the primary sector (fruits and vegetables, forage, growth conditions and animal fat, etc.) and are designed to:

  • Food Safety
  • Protecting the environment
  • The health, safety and welfare of the laborers
  • Animal Welfare

The implementation of standards designed to achieve integrated management, having driven to minimize the input of any reduction of which achieve the best possible financial outcome for the agricultural / farm and reduce the environmental burden. Integrated Management Systems (AGRO - EUREPGAP) are organizational systems and agricultural holdings that include, among others, Good Agricultural Practice, Good Veterinary Practice, Occupational health, Safety Product, Traceability and environmentally friendly actions. They aim to lay the foundations for efficient and profitable production / farming in an economically viable and environmentally responsible farming / ranching operation, incorporating the modern practices, beneficial natural processes.


The widespread adoption of management systems and the need to install more than one system in one company - the body (eg ISO 9001 + ISO 14000, ISO 9001 + HACCP etc.) led to the need to unify and integrate them into a single integrated management system (Integrated Management System), which includes all forms of individual systems. The main guiding principle of such a system remains the Quality Management System (ISO 9001) incorporating the requirements of individual systems. This way will enable the supervisory authorities to monitor all systems and to set meaningful goals for improvement of the business.


Ensure output of crops / livestock and income of the producer / farmer.
Reduction of environmental impacts of agricultural / livestock activities.
Responding to the demand of society and the market environment for agricultural products and animal products less strain on synthetic chemicals and antibiotics.

Certified Systems


































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Patras : 44А Tsamadou str, 26222, Tel.:2610346500, email: [email protected]
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