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Completion of Business Plans - Education in VOULGARIS DENNIS PANINI SA

Successfully completed the structural adjustment plan and the training of company executives: "VOULGARIS DENNIS SA PANINI" under the program of "ADJUSTMENT OF WORKERS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMIC CRISIS" for companies over 50 people, the OP "Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013."
The training program was designed and implemented by KEK: LYKOSTRATIS KON / NOS & Co. "HPC knowledge 'of experienced & certified speakers with the aim of developing the skills and capabilities of human resources of the company. The program entitled INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-HEALTH & FOOD SAFETY & QUALITY CONTROL, application code 3.3.2. program code 1, involved 20 people with the company PANINI implementation period from 20/3/2012 to 18/5/2012.
The design, implementation and monitoring of structural adjustment plan implemented by the consulting firm A. BOUZOUDIS & Co. - ALPHA PLAN CONSULTANTS, through experienced and respected executives in order to restructure the company, development of new technological processes and adapt to new economic realities.



Салоники: 25Β Koletti str, 54627
телефон: 2310566767, Факс: 2310567890
электронной почте: [email protected]
Афины : Likavittou 10, 10671, электронной почте: [email protected]
Афины : 5 K. Kanari str, Kifisia,14563, телефон: 2105773360, Факс: 2105590555, электронной почте: [email protected]
Лариса : 37 Florinis str, 41335, телефон: 2410238926, Факс: 2415005505, электронной почте: [email protected] 
Ираклион :  158 Ethnikis Antistasews str, 71306, телефон: 2810289457, Факс: 2810289428, электронной почте: [email protected]
Ретимно : 23 Kountouriwti Avenue, 74100, телефон: & Факс: 2831025067, электронной почте:[email protected]
северное эгейское море :  4 Mitropoleos, 81100, телефон: 2251181080, электронной почте: [email protected]
Ханья : 24, Efedron Polemiston str, 73135, Tel.: 2821503189, email: [email protected]
Родос : 5th Km Rodos-Lindos, 85100, Tel.: 2241038774, Fax: 2241038775, email: [email protected]
Орестиада : 18 King Konstanine str, 68200, Tel.: 2552026866, Fax: 2552024266, email: [email protected]
Александруполис : 18 Dimokratias Av., 68100, Tel.: 2551035848, Fax: 2551035848, email: [email protected]
Янина : 44А Tsamadou str, 26222, Tel.:2610346500, email: [email protected]
Албания, Тирана : Rr. Islam Alla, Myslym Shyri, nr4, Tiranë, 1023 Shqipëri, Tel. : +3554453 1916, email: [email protected]
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