Successfully completed the structural adjustment plan and the training of company executives: KANTZAS STAMATIS SA under the approved program "ADJUSTMENT OF WORKERS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMIC CRISIS" for companies over 50 people, the OP "Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013."
Educational programs implemented under the title: "Applications of Quality & Food Safety - Certification FSA 'application code 79 - 9/12/2010, 1 program code, designed & implemented by KEK COMPASS by experienced & certified speakers. Diexichthisan3 programs lasting 305 hours total, and took part in the company's 75 employees KANTZAS STAMATIS SA
The structural adjustment plan designed and implemented by the consulting firm A. BOUZOUDIS & Co. - ALPHA PLAN CONSULTANTS & acclaimed by experienced executives, in order to improve viability to changing external conditions and to upgrade the qualifications and skills of the workforce of the company.