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Meeting on business support programs in the Municipality of Delta

Successfully completed the workshop organized by the Information Office for Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Delta Intermunicipal cooperation with the Western Rural Enterprise Thessaloniki - KEK NEFELI on "business support programs under the Operational Programme Competitiveness (OP II) NSRF 2007-2013 ". The workshop was held Wednesday 27/7/2012 Convention Center of the City Sindou Delta.
Speakers for the event were members of Alpha Plan Consultants: General Manager Mr. Alexiadis Kleovoulos, the Consultant Development programs Amanita Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Moschidou Nicoletta, Director of Development Programmes public sector, who informed and answered the questions of the audience, for anticipated projects: the Operational Programme for Competitiveness (OPC II) NSRF 2007-2013:

  • ESPA-MIP: Strengthening SMEs
  • Extraversion and Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (second cycle)
  • Business support for investment projects involving innovative value added services: ICT4Growth

The Alpha Plan Consultants through its executives - Consultants, always ensures the full and timely information to customers & partners!




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Янина : 44А Tsamadou str, 26222, Tel.:2610346500, email: [email protected]
Албания, Тирана : Rr. Islam Alla, Myslym Shyri, nr4, Tiranë, 1023 Shqipëri, Tel. : +3554453 1916, email: [email protected]
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